Research Labs wk7
I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the research labs, I fully found myself I feel that I attempted everything and was able to do this by not worrying of falling. I tried everything with a great open mind. I felt in these research labs I lost of what it needs to look like and focussed on exploring. We had been asked to question spiralling& twisting. I did this throughout contact with Kye, I fully threw myself into it. The experiments we made felt nice in both of our bodies. I tried to use some tools we had learnt from previous weeks but explore transitions and how movement takes you into constant findings making more exciting adventures with the bodies. I spiralled my body around Kye, hooking myself around playing with what can be made. Also using dynamics to enhance momentum.
My Research Lab
We are going to explore balance, body support, weight transference, consciousness and maintaining full awareness and listening each other’s bodies.
How do we know when a partner is ready to receive full weight?
I gave questions to inform improvisations during the jams we produced for the dancer’s influence.
How does it feel to work with a body you’re not so used to?
Are explorations minimalised?
Movements seem to be slower as you find the connections, can you still find the connection but with momentum enforcing quicker movements?
I feel that our research lab went well and saw new movements I had never seen in my peers bodies and may inform them to take more risks however having the full awareness of connection but maybe playing with momentum a little more as my observation was that because the dancers were focusing on connection momentum was lost and dynamics were dull.
The ‘Exposed to Gravity’ reading initiated thoughts of my contact experiences, “As both of us maintain this bodily-felt relationship to weight exchange and shared movement and stay open to sudden impulses and influences upon either of our bodies, a playful, energetic and innovative dance is created” (Ptashek, A, 1988. p160) My thoughts took me back to jam last week how it was our first week on ‘UP’ and I explored weight on my back walking, focussing on the feelings of gravity and where it is centred. However after research labs this week I found the “playful, energetic and innovative” (Ptashek, A, 1988. P160) within a groups research lab of experimenting with ‘standing’ and ‘floor’ gave restrictions and was interesting as Kye had improvised floor contact and I had done standing, to then mix and feedback to one another allowing relations and having freedom to stand and be on the floor gave a more interesting improvisation when experienced with Kye, I tried using my body to fly and wrap around his body whilst sharing equal weight throughout the improvisation. I was so focussed and mainatined strong awareness of my and partners body.
Curtis, B. (1988). Exposed to Gravity. Contact Quartely/ Contact Improvisation Sourcebook I, Vol. 13. Pp156-162